Category: Articles

  • Omniscient, Omnipotent and Personal

    …And loving us without conditions. When powerful events force a neurosurgeon to experience a reality that is greater than his own status-quo self, this is a chance to learn more about a greater spiritual aspect within each and every one of us. In his book, Proof of Heaven, Dr. Eben Alexander begins by describing the…

  • Water and Meditation Music with Hemi-Sync

    Water and Meditation Music with Hemi-Sync

    Water has always had a healing effect on the body while it promotes a soothing presence on the mind. It is no wonder that vacations and holidays are often spent near bodies of water, whether it be lakes, streams, oceans or a backyard pool. In  a more personalized application, warm water in your bathtub can…

  • ADHD and Video Games?

    ADHD and Video Games?

    Children with ADHD who spend long periods playing video games may not be honing the mental skills they need to hold their focus on less stimulating activities, such as schoolwork or household chores, a common finding that is mirrored in a recent article on the topic at Web MD. While several other online resources show…

  • Listening to Binaural Beats for Lucid Dreaming

    Listening to Binaural Beats for Lucid Dreaming

    Have you ever awakened from a deep sleep and struggled to remember a dream or would like to create more fascinating dreams to accelerate restorative sleep and gain insights? By harnessing the power of binaural beats with non-intrusive Hemi-Sync entrainment it’s now possible to support lucid dreams that will help you dream better. Ultimately with…

  • What is the difference between ADD and ADHD?

    What is the difference between ADD and ADHD?

    Meet Steven Kurtz, PhD, ABPP, Senior Director, ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders Center; Director, Selective Mutism Program at the Child Mind Institute. In a short and descriptive summary on the Child Mind Institute webpage, Dr. Kurtz helps us understand these terms around the condition that impacts so many children and adults in today’s world: “ADD,…

  • How Stress Enters The Body

    Dr. Dan Cohen, a Medical Doctor with neurology training who lives and works in Minneapolis, Minnesota gives some great information on how stress levels interact with the physiology of the human body, with hypertension and high blood pressure as a result. Since stress build up is really a result of constant “fight or flight” mechanisms…

  • Non Linear Approaches and other Problem Solving Strategies by John Malouff, Phd.,J.D.

    Non Linear Approaches and other Problem Solving Strategies by John Malouff, Phd.,J.D.

    Dr. John Malouff, Phd., J.D, an Associate Professor at the School of Behavioural, Cognitive and Social Sciences at New England University in New South Wales, Australia, outlines several steps and strategies to solving problems that exist across the spectrum of the modern human experience. Dr. Malouff holds degrees in Psychology and Law from The University…

  • Appreciating Pamela and Randy Copus 2002

    Exploring fresh new sounds and music tracks to deepen our meditative music selections and add some variety to our personal music libraries has yielded some nice finds –  even from the early 2000’s! Pamela and Randy Copus‘ Even Now from their award winning album, This Moment Now  placed both artists high up on Billboard’s 2003…

  • Liquid Mind Adagio for Sleep

    Beautiful soothing sounds for relaxing and sleeping…gosh so glad to have stumbled across this! The video producer added some beautiful intergalactic imagery too. Click on the clip to see more information on the Liquid Mind VIII album.

  • Meditation Rooms and Spas in Airports Around The World

    Finally, large airports have caught on to the fact that harried travelers appreciate a brief repose from the hyper-orderly, security-conscious environment of large airport terminals. Since these vast enclosed public spaces produce a steady bustle of passenger activity the typical modern air traveler has much to navigate through: Constant sounds of jets taking off or…

  • Tips for Managing Your Wandering Mind from Mind Body Green

    Chloe Park, a yoga instructor and contributor to the emerging wellness website and blog, Mind Body Green, and who is currently based in Bali, has some keen insights for keeping the mind clear of too much clutter. In summary, here is what she proposes for managing a wandering mind: 1. Separate Yourself from Your Cluttered…

  • Adult ADHD in Marriage

    Just when we think we’ve heard of all the common problems and challenges in marriage, having one of the partners afflicted with attention deficit disorder is probably the least visible and least tangible issue to recognize and find solutions for. Elena Donovan Mauer, Special to takes a rare in-depth look at this disorder and…

  • Meditation and War Trauma Articles Huffington Post contributor Joseph Bobrow offers alternatives to the way trauma victims lose themselves in expressions that risk safety – behaviors that feed emotional recklessness and prolong various trauma related disorders. Other Resources: Coming Home Project  Deep Streams Institute The War Trauma Foundation  

  • What Sleep Statistics Say

    For the average person catching some Z’s may not be such a big deal.  But according to major institutions like the National Sleep Foundation, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the US Surgeon General’s Office a dramatic picture emerges: Thirty percent or more of the general population suffers from insomnia. Out of a family…

  • Music to Write By: David Dobbs Looks at Writer’s Favorite Tunes

    It is no surprise that writers will get inspired by certain types of music. In David Dobbs’ Wired Magazine article, Gimme Johann, Gimme Jimmy: Music to Write By you learn that the craft of writing is not just an event of meticulous scratching on paper or tapping on a keyboard. Writers actually do have preferences…

  • The Best Meditation Music for Children

    Meditation music for children that combines soothing bed time story telling to get your child focused on positive, inspiring  imagery while overlaying beneficial binaural beat frequencies in the background probably offers the best meditation and sleep soother solution. We’ve taken the time to assemble the titles our readers and customers have voted as the best…