ADD Report Feedback

You already know that ADD/ADHD affects millions of children throughout the world and it is, indeed, a challenging condition for both the children and their families.

However, no matter how hopeless things may seem at times, there is a innovative, natural and organic way to work with the children that has been showing great results.

Stimulating the ADD Brain to Work in Unity

We know that with conditions like ADD or dyslexia, there is a portion of the brain that is not as responsive to the environment as it might be. A potential remedy is to stimulate that part of the brain with something as simple and as natural as music.

But, this is not just any music. Instead, it is music that has been “designed” to stimulate the brain by helping synchronize its two hemispheres.

Without being too technical, if the two halves of the brain work more closely in harmony, we see increases in focus, retention and recall in the activities the child is involved with.

Metamusic and the ADD Brain

This is where the music called Metamusic® comes in.

It is innovative music carefully crafted for specific effects on the brain incorporating Hemi-Sync® technology, proven over decades to have remarkable effects on the getting the brain to work as a unified unit.

If you are on this page, you have probably already read the report on using Metamusic to help stimulate the  brain and help synchronize the hemispheres. You have now gained valuable insight into this innovative approach to a serious challenge for kids and family members alike.

Please share those insights and help others struggling to deal with this challenging situation. You can do this simply by using the Comments section below.

Thanks for your input. You may be helping someone you will never meet, but they will never forget you!

P.S. We will be looking at the comments and may choose a few to be guest writers on our blog who ten qualify for some cool rewards!

2 responses to “ADD Report Feedback”

  1. My son is ADHD and I would like to try hemi-sync for him, which cd/tape is the best?