Tag: singing bowls

  • Eternal Now by Don Peyote and Naasko

    All that Is exists in the present moment, and this moment is all that exists. Don+Peyote and Naasko. Don Peyote profound ambient music, combined with Hemi-Sync® frequencies, provide you the space to be fully present where you are now. Free your consciousness from the illusion of time, and allow memories from the past and worries…

  • Dreamseed by Amoraea

    Access spiritual realms and gain harmonic attunement with the didgeridoo music of Amoraea Dreamseed and Hemi-Sync®. Dreamseed transports you, experientially, into powerful mystical states using the low vibrational tones of the didgeridoo to resonate into all levels of your body, mind, and spirit. Bring balance to your subtle energy systems as you access the healing…