Tag: massage

  • Massage Therapy Collection (4 CDs)

    Relax body, mind, and spirit with the music and Hemi-Sync® selections of the Massage Therapy Collection. Ideal for massage therapy, bodywork and energy healing. Help manage stress and balance subtle energy systems with this assortment of Metamusic® CDs that promote deep relaxation and exquisite states of inner tranquility. Massage Therapy Collection. Browse the individual titles…

  • Reflections by Rick Borgia

    Tune-up the connection between body, mind and spirit with the music of Rick Borgia and Hemi-Sync®. Therapeutic music is an ancient art. Greek and Roman spas incorporated such music to use in soothing cadence with the art of touch. Reflections mirrors this ancient practice of creating calming atmospheres to heighten one’s energetic or healing connection.…

  • Radiance by Aeoliah

    Immerse yourself in an ethereal “homecoming” of the soul with the frequency-raising music of Aeoliah and Hemi-Sync®. Aeoliah is internationally known for his healing and uplifting music that nurtures body, mind and spirit. Radiance combines the harmonizing and transcendent effects of Aeoliah’s music with powerful Hemi-Sync® meditation frequencies to transport you into higher more expanded…

  • Himalayan Soul by Ilona Selke

    Immerse yourself in an exquisite state of inner tranquility with the enchanting flute music of Ilona Selke and Hemi-Sync®. The mystical, haunting music of Himalayan Soul provides a welcome refuge from the frantic speed of life today. (43 min) Another Metamusic® title by Ilona Selke is Romantic Wonder. Also part of the Massage Therapy C9ollection…

  • Dreamseed by Amoraea

    Access spiritual realms and gain harmonic attunement with the didgeridoo music of Amoraea Dreamseed and Hemi-Sync®. Dreamseed transports you, experientially, into powerful mystical states using the low vibrational tones of the didgeridoo to resonate into all levels of your body, mind, and spirit. Bring balance to your subtle energy systems as you access the healing…

  • Angel Paradise by Erik Berglund

    Bridge the realms of heaven and earth with the angelic harp music of Erik Berglund and Hemi-Sync®. Berglund’s “angelic” compositions have garnered international acclaim as divine healing and transformation gifts for humanity. Celestial energy resonates through the crystalline sounds of Berglund’s Irish harp creating an inter-dimensional communion with Spirit. Angels are beings of feeling and…