Tag: flute

  • Breath of Creation by Alan Tower

    Evoke timeless feelings and emotions with ancient sounds of the modern-day huaca and Hemi-Sync®. “Huaca” is a South American native term for something holy or sacred and the hallowed sound of breath flowing through fired clay inspires this sense of sacredness. For thousands of years flute instruments from virtually every culture have been used for…

  • Winds Over the World by Richard Roberts

    Aboriginal flutes and Hemi-Sync® guide you through the world of musical imagery as you flow with this graceful expression of the spirit of life. Enjoy a sustained state of peace and calm as you journey within. Use Winds Over the World for expanding awareness through musical imagery and self-exploration; for deeper, more profound meditation; or…

  • Strand by Zero Ohms (Richard Roberts) and thunderjack (Tracy Chappell)

    Relax and follow the thread from each track as it weaves a beautiful tapestry. Zero Ohms (Richard Roberts) and thunderjack (Tracy Chappell) join together to create an alchemical experience with ambient and introspective melodies. Hemi-Sync® frequencies move you into deep relaxation for a powerful meditative experience. Instruments include: Zero Ohms on flute, bass flute, Nepali…

  • Romantic Wonder by Ilona Selke and Don Paris

    Create a dreamy mood for those special moments with the romantic music of Don Paris and Ilona Selke combined with Hemi-Sync®. The passionate and emotionally engaging music of Romantic Wonder will speak to your soul. The haunting sounds of flute, guitar, and cello artfully convey every nuance of the tender and loving feelings expressed in…

  • Radiance by Aeoliah

    Immerse yourself in an ethereal “homecoming” of the soul with the frequency-raising music of Aeoliah and Hemi-Sync®. Aeoliah is internationally known for his healing and uplifting music that nurtures body, mind and spirit. Radiance combines the harmonizing and transcendent effects of Aeoliah’s music with powerful Hemi-Sync® meditation frequencies to transport you into higher more expanded…

  • Prisms by Lenore Paxtion and Phillip Siadi

    Develop fresh perspectives and creative insights with this delightful New Age composition. Hemi-Sync® sound patterns blend with guitar, flute, and keyboards to provide enchanting and deeply relaxing music to slow excess mental activity and stimulate a whole-brain creative process. Use Prisms for expanding awareness through musical imagery; for deeper more profound relaxation; or simply for…

  • Pearl Moon by Andrzej Rejman

    Reveal your innermost feelings and subconscious self with the luminous sounds of Andrzej Rejman and Hemi-Sync®. The moon is associated with the mind, habits, and emotions, and the pearl symbolizes innocence and a pure heart. Rich textures and ambient backgrounds create a flowing and peaceful sojourn to the depths of your soul, strengthening your innate…

  • Octaves of Light by Eluv

    Sound and music have been used since ancient times for healing and transformation. International recording artist Eluv has created a unique blend of world music and sound based on her divine inspiration to help others. Combined with Hemi-Sync® frequencies to bring balance and harmony, this delicate and beautiful music also supports the benefits of energy…

  • Himalayan Soul by Ilona Selke

    Immerse yourself in an exquisite state of inner tranquility with the enchanting flute music of Ilona Selke and Hemi-Sync®. The mystical, haunting music of Himalayan Soul provides a welcome refuge from the frantic speed of life today. (43 min) Another Metamusic® title by Ilona Selke is Romantic Wonder. Also part of the Massage Therapy C9ollection…

  • Gaia by Richard Roberts

    A musical portrayal of Kokopelli, the Native American mythic hero who restores abundance by bringing forth the second summer rains. Deeply relaxing flute and guitar blend exquisitely with sounds of water in a soulful composition that stimulates imagination and creativity. Use Gaia for expanding awareness through musical imagery and self-exploration; for deeper, more profound meditation;…

  • Between Worlds by Don Peyote and Naasko

    Listening to Between Worlds evokes dreamlike sensations from a shamanic landscape. The captivating shamanic music of Don Peyote and Naasko is combined with Hemi-Sync® to guide your inner journey. Sounds from the rain forest contribute to the surreal, organic ambience. Vivid images emerge as time blurs and the world disappears. For optimum results, listen to…

  • Egyptian Sun by ThunderBeat

    Feel your consciousness expand as your imagination takes flight with this combination of Middle Eastern inspired music and Hemi-Sync®. Using her gift of activational music, ThunderBeat has crafted a powerful melodic experience that transports you to the Egyptian pyramids and temples—places she has personally explored and held sacred ceremony. Instruments include: flutes, violins, gongs, oud,…

  • Deep Time Dreaming by Byron Metcalf and Mark Seelig

    Explore unknown spiritual realms with the ancient shamanic soundworlds of Byron Metcalf, Mark Seelig and Hemi-Sync®. A portal for shamanic travel and divine communion, laced with mysticism, Deep Time Dreaming is sacred music in the truest sense. German-based flutist, Mark Seelig accompanies Metcalf’s trancing, organic percussion in this awe-inspiring otherworldly sojourn with support from dreamtime…

  • Desert Moon Song by Dean Evenson

    A “classic” homage to the sacred and purifying energies of the desert combined with Hemi-Sync®. Dean Evenson’s Desert Moon Song is one of the first ambient recordings to pay tribute to the desert. Native and silver flutes echo the distant call of coyotes. Harps and synthesizers evoke images of spacious landscapes creating a sense of…