Guide to Serenity

In Guide to Serenity, Hemi-Sync frequencies are combined with intermmitent verbal guidance throughout the program. Experience deep levels of physical and emotional comfort with this highly effective 10-point system of total relaxation used in Guide to Serenity.

With Guide to Serenity, you can achieve profound states of inner peace and calm and learn to recreate such states whenever you wish. Use Guide to Serenity to restore your strength and vitality.

The complex Hemi-Sync® sound pattern combination supports a progressive states of relaxation until you drift gently into a natural, refreshing sleep. (Mind Food – verbally guided) 39 minutes

You will notice that many Hemi-Sync titles with audio guidance are formatted in such a way that the listener is lead to that deep space of body and mind relaxation. In this state of total  relaxation and brain balance, the listener is in the most receptive state ideal to support the their intention, as suggested by the program.

The more you listen to Guide to Serenity, in this case, the faster the effects of serenity will come. Guide to Serenity is very popular to meditators who can appreciate and love verbally guided programs that easily slide them into a deep meditative state effortlessly.

Get your Guide to Serenity CD at the store and begin the journey to a more serene mind and body well-being.

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