Tag: relaxaton

  • Wisdom of the Heart by Barry Goldstein

      Based on his critically acclaimed series Ambiology, Grammy award winner Barry Goldstein has compiled the most conducive pieces for uniting the heart and mind. These pieces are all composed at a tempo that is consistent with the heart at a relaxed state, allowing the listener to reach a deep state of relaxation effortlessly. Ambient…

  • Winds Over the World by Richard Roberts

    Aboriginal flutes and Hemi-Sync® guide you through the world of musical imagery as you flow with this graceful expression of the spirit of life. Enjoy a sustained state of peace and calm as you journey within. Use Winds Over the World for expanding awareness through musical imagery and self-exploration; for deeper, more profound meditation; or…

  • The Visitation by Micah Sadigh

    Enjoy a deeply relaxing meditative state as you are transported by other-worldly music and Hemi-Sync® to an encounter with a non-physical friend. Tabla drums and synthesizer are featured in this Eastern-influenced composition by Micah Sadigh, PhD. The enchanting experience of The Visitation can be an ideal stimulus for spiritual growth. (29 min) Other Metamusic® titles…

  • Transformation by Micah Sadigh

    Merge with the captivating music of Transformation and enjoy an enthralling transpersonal journey. Composed and performed by Micah Sadigh, PhD, Transformation provides a mesmerizing blend of Hemi-Sync® and synthesizer music to move you beyond your sense of personal self. Let go of your thoughts and surrender to the deeply relaxing, wonderfully inspiring experience of Transformation.…

  • Timeless by Pablo Peláez

    This exquisite solo piano music of Pablo Peláez possesses a gravity and beauty beyond time. Allow yourself to be swept away by the enchanting and serene melodies to a restorative state of inner peace. Hemi-Sync® frequencies facilitate a profound state of relaxation enabling you to look within for personal understanding and insight. Pablo plays the…

  • Touching Grace by Amoraea Dreamseed

    Connect with mystical realms with inspired music from Amoraea Dreamseed and Hemi-Sync®. Touching Grace was originally released as Antahkarana in honor of the ancient healing and meditation symbol that has been used in Tibet and China for thousands of years. As a visual symbol, the Antahkarana was used in meditation to facilitate a connection to…

  • Chakra Journey by Eluv

    Dolphin sounds and music combine to help align and balance each of the seven major chakras in this verbally guided Hemi-Sync® exercise, created and voiced by Eluv. Located along the central line of the body, chakras receive and transmit life-force energy to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. When we experience unreleased emotions such…