Tag: Micah Sadigh

  • The Visitation by Micah Sadigh

    Enjoy a deeply relaxing meditative state as you are transported by other-worldly music and Hemi-Sync® to an encounter with a non-physical friend. Tabla drums and synthesizer are featured in this Eastern-influenced composition by Micah Sadigh, PhD. The enchanting experience of The Visitation can be an ideal stimulus for spiritual growth. (29 min) Other Metamusic® titles…

  • Transformation by Micah Sadigh

    Merge with the captivating music of Transformation and enjoy an enthralling transpersonal journey. Composed and performed by Micah Sadigh, PhD, Transformation provides a mesmerizing blend of Hemi-Sync® and synthesizer music to move you beyond your sense of personal self. Let go of your thoughts and surrender to the deeply relaxing, wonderfully inspiring experience of Transformation.…

  • The Return by Micah Sadigh

    Embark on an inward passage that leads you into the arms of the Creator in this sequel to Inner Journey by Micah Sadigh, Ph.D. Ethereal sounds and Hemi-Sync® gently guide you to a divine state of consciousness as you reconnect with the Source, finding comfort and peace in the beauty of oneness. Use The Return…

  • Portal to Eternity by Micah Sadigh

    Dissolve the barrier between here and there with the contemplative electronic music of Dr. Micah Sadigh and Hemi-Sync®. Musical reveries and flights of fancy ensue as you surrender to the allure of this enchanting composition. The uplifting Portal to Eternity will inspire your imagination while providing a deeply refreshing “departure” from your daily activities. (42…

  • The Journey Home by Micah Sadigh

    Celestial music and Hemi-Sync® transport you on a poignant journey beyond space and time. Immerse yourself in this inspired musical depiction of a soul’s journey to the realm of the Creator. Performed completely on analog and digital synthesizers, this enchanting soundtrack first characterizes the soul’s yearning for ‘home’ followed by a musical recounting of the…

  • Inner Journey by Micah Sadigh

    Ethereal sounds and Hemi-Sync® provide a deeply relaxing melodic flow to relieve stress and give free reign to your imagination – an ideal landscape for personal exploration. Use Inner Journey for expanding awareness through musical imagery; for deeper, more profound meditation; or simply for musical enjoyment. Composed and performed by Micah Sadigh, Ph.D. (30 min)…