Listening to Binaural Beats for Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming DVD

Lucid Dreaming with Hemi-Sync Binaural BeatsHave you ever awakened from a deep sleep and struggled to remember a dream or would like to create more fascinating dreams to accelerate restorative sleep and gain insights?

By harnessing the power of binaural beats with non-intrusive Hemi-Sync entrainment it’s now possible to support lucid dreams that will help you dream better.

Ultimately with your intent listening to binaural beat music, your objectives in lucid dreaming should show your becoming consciously interactive with your dreams.

Listening to binaural beats for lucid dreaming alters your conscious state so dreams can be more rich, vivid and clear. Even if you feel that you’re accomplished in the art of meditation, you’ll be amazed at how your dreams can become more clear with the use of isochronic tones and binaural beats.

When you listen to binaural beats, your brain responds by adjusting its reactions to the sounds. Your brainwaves are soothingly guided to the desired mental state of consciousness.

Binaural beats for lucid dreaming uses the theta frequency for dreaming, but since the human ear will not hear frequencies as low as theta, the binaural beats compensate by creating an internal frequency. It may sound complicated, but scientific research has discovered that altered states can be created by the use of specific mental states, states that can be prepared for in the listening of certain Hemi-Sync music and guided meditation tracks.

Basically, binaural beats for lucid dreaming gradually takes you through different sound frequencies until you reach a deep, meditative sleep state of mind. Even though you’re asleep, your conscious brain will remain active. This allows you to remember and take charge of your dreams.

Besides bringing the pleasures of lucid dreams into your life, binaural beats can have other effects on your mind and body. Proponents of using binaural beats claim to feel deeply relaxed after a session. Other results include:

·    Relief from stress and feelings of anxiety.
·    An awareness of the conscious and subconscious sections of the mind.
·    Feelings of weightlessness.
·    Awareness of special visualizations, various colors and patterns.

Scientific studies have determined that using binaural beats for improved mental states is completely safe. With binaural beats we can cause our minds and bodies to get more benefits from sleep, daydreams and meditation sessions, simply by harmonizing to the uniquely blended compositions in each Hemi-Sync CD.

Satisfied users of binaural beats for lucid dreaming have also reported that they experienced deep feelings of relaxation and awakened rested and feeling more in sync with their creative abilities.

Think of the possibilities that exist if you could realize that you’re dreaming during an actual dream! That’s what lucid dreaming is and that’s what binaural beats for lucid dreaming can create.

Remembering and understanding what your dream was about can also provide some colorful insights, and accelerate healing in the body as proven in several studies on sleep.

Binaural beats for lucid dreaming is one of the most popular online downloads, and you can find many versions at online sites that are especially designed to provide your brain with the most effective frequencies.

There’s no training required to listen and make use of binaural beats for lucid dreaming or for any other binaural beat mental state. Simply download, listen and enjoy.

The obvious place to look for binaural beats inducing music in’s store, so be sure to stop by and have a look before you go to bed! 🙂

Learn more about how to consciously participate in your dreams from Rebecca Turner, guest writer from

One response to “Listening to Binaural Beats for Lucid Dreaming”

  1. I used to think experiencing out of body or ‘astral’ projection can be difficult to achieve, even for those who have studied and worked a lifetime to reach that desirable mental state. Binaural beats for astral projection was my main interest until I decided to look into lucid dreaming.

    Eventhough astral projection is still an interest, I am evolving to understand how providing your brain with the frequency cyclescan be better to generate the deep meditation or dreaming state needed to achieve astral projection.

    Inother words I’m getting more into the process of how this works.

    If our brain frequencies tend to exist under the 20 Hz point – which includes the 4-7 Hz Theta waves that occur with out of body experiences, then it is confounding to me why the ear doesn’t hear frequencies below 20 Hz.
    However from my research online and experience using binaural beats it seems but with binaural beat technology, you can produce a third sound which accurately sets up the astral projection state of mind.

    If you’ve attempted to experience out of body projections by the use of normal meditation and relaxation techniques, you’ll be surprised at the dramatic results achieved by listening to binaural beats for astral projection, and lucid dreaming.

    Here are some of the things I learned over the last year or so in achieving the best astral projection experience:

    · Morning hours are the best time for astral projection.
    · Wear loose clothing and be as comfortable as possible.
    · Relax the body to reach a trance-like state.
    · Binaural beats will help you reach a state of sleep paralysis (a state that we reach normally just before we sleep).
    · Begin the astral projection by visualizing a separation of mind from physical body.

    Before you try binaural beats for astral projection, read all you can about the process and understand it thoroughly – especially if you’re a beginner. Astral projection success isn’t a matter of merely relaxing your body and then moving into a mental state of separation.

    Many of those who experience it on a regular basis have spent years in study and meditation. Even though you’ll have the added benefit of binaural beats, you should understand a bit more about astral projection and what can be accomplished or experienced with it.

    You may want to practice meditation techniques with the use of binaural beats for awhile before you try astral projection. Meditation and relaxation play an important part in the ability to “travel the astral plane” and programming your brainwaves to reach deep levels of relaxation will help your astral explorations.

    Taking a projected trip into the universe can be an amazing experience and when used correctly, binaural beats can improve on the success of your astral travel. Your body enters a deep state of relaxation, but the brain is fully cognizant of what’s happening. You’ll remember the entire experience of astral projection when you “awaken.”

    Thanks so much for a posting more good information on binaural beats.

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